AI/DMA game


haaaa ravensrooster2 posted a link to the story from usa today & pksundevil posted a link from the newsjournal, it cleary states the diaa is allowing AI to handle it internally, i assume you are a parent so you should know before we do ref the blue/gold game

Lol this pic is awesome...I can read very well thanx... the point is the Blue/Gold game that is not in the literature that is posted... just wondering why it keeps being mentioned that they are out of that too
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@AJoi, in my dnell voice we maybe PUNKS that hide behind screen names lol but we don't snitch lmao
Seriously. If a player is ejected from a contest, they MUST sit the next game at that same level before returning to play. If the contest was the final game of a season, the player MUST sit out the first game of the next season they compete in at the same level.
Those words are not a quote of the DIAA rule, but darn close.
Here is the situation. If a player gets kicked out of a game, and the team forfeits their final game, and the next game is an "All-Star" game sanctioned by DIAA, and they were to play in the game, they can't.
Oh, its gonna blow up more when everyone finds out the kids at A.I. are protesting and refusing to go to class b/c the basketball teams been wronged. A.I. Admin. is up against "Advocates", parents, and I heard Mark Sills is even selling tickets to the rally, $12 Adult and 9 for children under 4.....
It's gonna be Lit!!!
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Oh, its gonna blow up more when everyone finds out the kids at A.I. are protesting and refusing to go to class b/c the basketball teams been wronged. A.I. Admin. is up against "Advocates", parents, and I heard Mark Sills is even selling tickets to the rally, $12 Adult and 9 for children under 4.....
It's gonna be Lit!!!
Lol... Good joke
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Oh, its gonna blow up more when everyone finds out the kids at A.I. are protesting and refusing to go to class b/c the basketball teams been wronged. A.I. Admin. is up against "Advocates", parents, and I heard Mark Sills is even selling tickets to the rally, $12 Adult and 9 for children under 4.....
It's gonna be Lit!!!

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Dam this whole situation is bad and dnell guy kinda played himself and you guys are milking this thg. It's over guys let go and let God handle it. Let's move on cause this has to be sensitive to those kids and families and AI alum and students. Stop rubbing it in guys. Let's just get ready for March 1st
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The whole situation could of been avoid if dnell and all of these AI parents making an depreps account and coming on here and talking nonsense. Not sure how you could be at the game not see any of this from those boys. Sad way to end the season for them but good lesson for those boys with actions like that there's consequences that follow.
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Cmon. soccer the kids were just emotional after a loss. Just blowing off steam. Kids will be kids. Let them play!
Seriously. If a player is ejected from a contest, they MUST sit the next game at that same level before returning to play. If the contest was the final game of a season, the player MUST sit out the first game of the next season they compete in at the same level.
Those words are not a quote of the DIAA rule, but darn close.
Here is the situation. If a player gets kicked out of a game, and the team forfeits their final game, and the next game is an "All-Star" game sanctioned by DIAA, and they were to play in the game, they can't.

When a player is ejected from a game, does that player have to leave the gym? The bench? I'm honestly asking what happens? Does a coach escort the player out?
The rest of their season and tournament hopes have officially been canceled according to first state sports on twitter
When a player is ejected from a game, does that player have to leave the gym? The bench? I'm honestly asking what happens? Does a coach escort the player out?
In most cases, the player or coach who gets tossed leave the event. The problem with away teams is where does the kid go? The locker room that's locked and unsupervised? The cases I have seen in basketball usually have the coach take responsibility for the kid on the bench. Didn't work this time.
Typically if you are an away team and locker rooms are available the player is escorted off with an assistant coach to the locker room or bus. If there is no assistant to help then the player may stay on sideline or bench with coaches supervision.
@dnell looks to me like I knew the facts buddy. Maybe instead of arguing with everyone on this forum you should start listening to others.
I stand by what I said there was a meeting with the DIAA and they put the pressure on AI's principle. Whats done is done its time parents in these schools like AI that have a negative target on their back start policing their children properly because just like somebody said in this thread earlier its not fair and they need to understand that going in. So handle your self accordingly. So all you guys enjoy your state tournament.......
Dnell, I can appreciate your passion in this discussion and respect it.

I have seen teams that have had to carry a negative perception/reputation. The problem with it is that it becomes a self-fulfilling cycle. The players don't get the calls because of their rep, then they get angry and react, thereby continuing the stereotype. This goes on and on, I have seen it happen at many levels, in many sports, with many teams.

Making the process more difficult of changing the rep, is the preconceptions of officials and opposing fans involved. Often times they go in expecting a bad attitude, not doing the team in question any favors. Once again, things don't go their way and they react, once again confirming what others have said about them.

The only teams I have seen successfully break this cycle, have been those with strong leadership and backing from the administration. It begins with the first and hardest step, taking it. It takes years to change the mindset of a program and there will be bumps along the way. Your getting fouled, blow past it. You got called for traveling, give the ref the ball and play defense. Fans are taunting you, take it. All the while, say nothing. I get it, I grew up in a place where nobody "took it". My friends may have been tough then, but half of them were either locked up, on the streets or dead by 40.

This starts with the coach as well. If he is complaining about the officials, he has just built in an excuse for the players he is leading to do the same. Players, no matter how good they are, if they are causing on a trouble, show them the bench. If they want to leave let them. It's not the type of player you need on the court.

Eventually, over time, the perception of your team will change. It will take a few years, but all the while you will become a better team because of it. It builds team chemistry as well, players know that the only ones they can count on to do the right thing for them are their teammates.

The future starts now. The past is just that, the past. Best of luck in the future to AI.
Done on Depreps. Another excuse for people to act like whiney bitches and still bring nothing positive to society. Adios. Enablers can **** right off
Dnell, I can appreciate your passion in this discussion and respect it.

I have seen teams that have had to carry a negative perception/reputation. The problem with it is that it becomes a self-fulfilling cycle. The players don't get the calls because of their rep, then they get angry and react, thereby continuing the stereotype. This goes on and on, I have seen it happen at many levels, in many sports, with many teams.

Making the process more difficult of changing the rep, is the preconceptions of officials and opposing fans involved. Often times they go in expecting a bad attitude, not doing the team in question any favors. Once again, things don't go their way and they react, once again confirming what others have said about them.

The only teams I have seen successfully break this cycle, have been those with strong leadership and backing from the administration. It begins with the first and hardest step, taking it. It takes years to change the mindset of a program and there will be bumps along the way. Your getting fouled, blow past it. You got called for traveling, give the ref the ball and play defense. Fans are taunting you, take it. All the while, say nothing. I get it, I grew up in a place where nobody "took it". My friends may have been tough then, but half of them were either locked up, on the streets or dead by 40.

This starts with the coach as well. If he is complaining about the officials, he has just built in an excuse for the players he is leading to do the same. Players, no matter how good they are, if they are causing on a trouble, show them the bench. If they want to leave let them. It's not the type of player you need on the court.

Eventually, over time, the perception of your team will change. It will take a few years, but all the while you will become a better team because of it. It builds team chemistry as well, players know that the only ones they can count on to do the right thing for them are their teammates.

The future starts now. The past is just that, the past. Best of luck in the future to AI.
Dnell, I can appreciate your passion in this discussion and respect it.

I have seen teams that have had to carry a negative perception/reputation. The problem with it is that it becomes a self-fulfilling cycle. The players don't get the calls because of their rep, then they get angry and react, thereby continuing the stereotype. This goes on and on, I have seen it happen at many levels, in many sports, with many teams.

Making the process more difficult of changing the rep, is the preconceptions of officials and opposing fans involved. Often times they go in expecting a bad attitude, not doing the team in question any favors. Once again, things don't go their way and they react, once again confirming what others have said about them.

The only teams I have seen successfully break this cycle, have been those with strong leadership and backing from the administration. It begins with the first and hardest step, taking it. It takes years to change the mindset of a program and there will be bumps along the way. Your getting fouled, blow past it. You got called for traveling, give the ref the ball and play defense. Fans are taunting you, take it. All the while, say nothing. I get it, I grew up in a place where nobody "took it". My friends may have been tough then, but half of them were either locked up, on the streets or dead by 40.

This starts with the coach as well. If he is complaining about the officials, he has just built in an excuse for the players he is leading to do the same. Players, no matter how good they are, if they are causing on a trouble, show them the bench. If they want to leave let them. It's not the type of player you need on the court.

Eventually, over time, the perception of your team will change. It will take a few years, but all the while you will become a better team because of it. It builds team chemistry as well, players know that the only ones they can count on to do the right thing for them are their teammates.

The future starts now. The past is just that, the past. Best of luck in the future to AI.
First off let me say I appreciate your message and I receive your message. I can tell that it came from a place of love unlike most of the posters on here. At the end of the day I just hope that these kids learn the ultimate lesson and that is just like you said perception is reality and some time you have to endure people looking at you and treating you negativity because of who and what they THINK you are but yet in still you must take the high road. Again I thank you.
So to recap twitter:

County council threatening legal action.
Coach says he had planned to resign even before the DMA game.
Parents feel they should be consulted on all decisions.

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